
We have chosen to host servers in high quality data centers around the world. We use a few different data centers in order to offer great services to everyone. The world-class data centers that host CubixCloud services feature state of the art security, power, safety, and cooling systems. All servers are monitored 24/7 by server professionals. Below is a listing of the specifications of each server we use.

Web Servers
All Web Servers are hosted at OCOSA in Tulsa, USA.
AMD Opteron Quad-Core @ 2.90Ghz
16-32 GB ECC RAM
RAID 10 Storage
1Gbps Network Connectivity

Tulsa VPS nodes are hosted at OCOSA in Tulsa, USA.
AMD Opteron Quad-Core @ 2.90Ghz
16-32 GB ECC RAM
RAID 5 Storage
1Gbps Network Connectivity

Minecraft Servers
All Minecraft Servers are hosted at OVH in Roubaix, France
Intel Xeon Quad-Core W3520 @ 2.67Ghz
2 TB Storage
1Gbps Network Connectivity

Dedicated Servers
Tulsa, OK, USA: OCOSA (Parent Company)

In addition to our data centers, we proactively monitor all of our servers. This allows us to mitigate any upcoming issues before the customer notices.
